Currently, I am mostly on Twitter @Jasperthedoggie as I love talking to my friends that I met on there- yep, I've met a LOT of friends on Twitter! To be honest, when I set that account up on September 29th 2011 (not sure how I remember the date; it's just stuck in my mind!), I never thought that I'd meet 1,900 doggies/dog lovers... It has been pretty wild but I LOVE it.
Also, I have recently set up an Instagram account under the title @JasperSpringerSpaniel. Instagram is awesome because every time I refresh my page on it, another load of doggie pictures come up!
In addition, I do a have Facebook account but I rarely use it; it's only there in case I need to access something via Facebook! If you'd like to add me as a friend, my name is Jasper Ess on it.
That's all of them (I think!) so if I haven't added you to one of my accounts already, I look forward to social-networking with you!
Talk soon, Jasper x
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