Yesterday, it was my (human) mum's birthday!
As I heard her walk down the stairs in the morning one year older, I began to decide how I was going to say hello to her as I wanted to make her day extra special. I thought long and hard but eventually decided on... A MASSIVE JAZZY SNUGGLE! Everyone wants a hug with me as I am an expert snuggler so I thought I'd treat her to one. As she approached the door, I got ready to go: 1...2...3...SNUGGLE! I jumped into her arms and gave her lots of licks which I'm sure she appreciated. After the ceremonious hug, I ran and jumped on the sofa and got ready for her to sit down as I had another surprise in store for her: I was going to do the 'wiggle'. The wiggle is a move I only pull out of the bag every so often and it involves jumping on top of the human's head and rolling about on it- I find it hilarious! As she came closer and closer, I eyed her so I didn't miss a move of what she was doing. She lowered herself down and... I couldn't do it. Mum is quite tall compared to the other two humans I can perform this on (not Dad, he'd go mad!) and, although I did try, I ended up just rolling on her lap. Luckily, I think she possibly liked this more...

Once all the humans were up, it was time to open her presents. The first present was massive but thin and was covered in lots and lots of wrapping paper, perfect for me. I know everyone appreciates me helping them open their presents as it gets the job done with so much quicker. Before Mum could even tear a bit of the paper, I got stuck right in. It was so much fun! I used every present-unwrapping skill I had: I was clawing it, ripping it with my mouth, sticking my nose it in... And finally the worked paid off and it was open. 'Oh my paws,' I had thought 'It's a dog bed!' I tried to roll on it but it was very uncomfortable. I looked at it again and then realised; it was a door mat, not a dog bed. It was an extremely pretty door mat but, unfortunately, it was not for me. But maybe the next one was? The human opened the next present- this time it was in a gift bag- and I stuck my nose in the bag. She pulled out a small box. 'Ooh, it could be a dog tag,' I had thought. Sadly, it wasn't. It turned out to be a pair of pretty earrings. This process was repeated a few more times and none of the turned out to be for me. I was pretty disappointed. Oh well, Mum had an awesome birthday and that is what means the most.
Talk soon, Jasper x
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