Today marks the last day of PAW 2012 (for more information check out my last post!) and the last week of summer- noo, we don't want you to go! The sky is cloudless and bright blue and the sun is pounding down on my sunbathing spot inside the house... Personally, I think the weather has chosen to be well behaved this weekend just so we miss summer even more! Last weekend, the humans took me out on the big boat. Yes, you heard me right, the BIG BOAT. My humans have two boats: the small one and the big one. Although I've been on the small one before, never has one of the humans let me on the big one; however, last Sunday changed all that. The humans clipped on my life jacket and carried me onto the boat. Man, it was exciting! I scattered around the boat, lurching to get into the water until the humans restrained me and wedged me in between two of them on one of the posh seats. I could now see the water! Ok, so I might have not been on my best behaviour on the boat but I did have a lovely time.
P.S Excuse the human arm in the photo; if they let go, I would've been in!
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