
This is a picture of me in the snow!

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Discover Dogs 2016: the must-sees of the Training & Display Ring!

It’s almost here- the biggest dog show in London will be taking place at this time next week. Last week, I focused on all that’s going on in the Main Ring at Eukanuba Discover Dogs so it’s time to put the spotlight on the second biggest arena at the dog show, the Training & Display Ring.

Whilst the Main Ring often centres around displays and competitions, the Training & Display Ring is more focused on the preparation that goes into participating in these doggie activities.

Across the weekend of 22nd and 23rd October at ExCeL London, I would definitely recommend catching the king of heelwork to music, Richard Curtis, in the Training & Display Ring, as, if anyone is going to be able to show how it's done, it's him (and Mary Ray, of course). Richard Curtis has won many Crufts finals so to see him perform on as intimate a ring as the Training & Display Ring is an extra-special treat! On the Saturday of the show, Richard Curtis will be taking to the ring at 10am and 4:05pm so, if you're visiting on the first day, make sure you don't miss him. 

On the second day of Discover Dogs, a team of adorable Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers are taking to the Training Ring for a display of Gundog work at 2:40pm, which promises to be very impressive. I always make an effort to see the dog activities that are slightly different at shows like Crufts and Discover Dogs as there are few occasions that offer the array of displays that these shows do!

A scheme that has become increasingly renowned in the past few years is the Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme. From puppy-age, canines are taught obedience skills such as walking to heel and 'stay' to grow up into the very best behaved of dogs. The awards give progressions to the skills dogs must learn and they must perform these skills to a high standard to earn the next award. At Discover Dogs in the Display & Training Ring, you can see first-hand the dogs who want to prove that they have got the perfect nature to be a Good Citizen Dog as different levels perform their skills to a judge at various times throughout the weekend. It's always so lovely to see the proud dogs and handlers receive their awards at these shows, displaying what good training can do. There are displays as well as the presentations and semi-finals on both days of the show.

There are also teaching displays in the ring, with 'Teaching Agility' displays by Fetcham Training Club at 1:25pm and 3:45pm on Saturday and obedience being taught by Click 2 Heel Display Team at 2:25pm and 4:40pm on Sunday. Definitely worth a watch if you're looking to get involved in the sports or are simply interested in how they're done. Obedience displays are always inspiring!

Talk soon, 
Jasper x

Congratulations to the two winners of my Discover Dogs competition- I hope you both have a brilliant day!
Do not worry if you lucked out this time round however: you can purchase tickets to the dog show here and, remember, under 12s get FREE entry!
For more information on the dog show, visit

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