First and foremost: I hope you all had a brilliant Christmas yesterday, whether you spent it with your family and friends or in your pyjamas (or both!).
I, for one, had a BRILLIANT day.
At 9am, I was the first one in my family to open my presents as obviously I am the most important member of the family. As you may know, I ADORE sinking my teeth into a load of wrapping paper and shredding it into pieces less than a centimetre long so when I saw the size of my two presents, I knew that I had a
lot of work to do. However, 20 seconds later, I'd completed my task and laying there before my eyes was a loooovely new bed and a Nina Ottosson game- woop! I started tackling the puzzle whilst it was in the box and was
so pleased to find 3 treats hiding behind each obstacle,
Ripping open those presents... |
I've got this thing in the bag... |
Mastered it! |
As much as my humans would like to put the presents underneath the Christmas tree, they know that a certain someone is always quite keen to have the first look at what is inside each of them...! |
Looking angelic on my brand-new bed... |
Following the unwrapping (or unripping, I should say!), my humans and I went to our relatives' house for a delicious roast and more gift-exchanging. Despite not getting any Christmas lunch IN THE SLIGHTEST (outrageous, I know), I had an incredible day with all the family. Perhaps I'll get roast leftovers later on? *crosses paws*
I wish you all a fantastic Boxing Day and a memorable last week of 2014!
Talk soon, Jasper x