
This is a picture of me in the snow!

Monday, 29 December 2014

Who Doesn't Love a Christmas Jumper?

On Friday 12th, thousands of people across the country wore their wackiest Christmas jumpers to raise money (over £2,000,000 has been counted so far!) for Save the Children and us doggies were definitely not ones to miss out on this Festive Friday. Some of you may know that my humans have a slight obsession with Christmas doggie attire- my already wardrobe consisted of matching leg warmers, scarf and two jumpers- but, of course, they couldn't resist buying yet another woolly jumper when they found one that mildly resembled their own.
Since then, I have been modelling my new sweater, and this is the result...

I have a strong adoration for the sound of leaves crunching underfoot

My 'Great Dane' Look

Oh yes, I am very proud of my jumper

Ya lookin' at me?

Wistful look across the park

Have your family all got matching Christmas jumpers? My humans love a good ol' woolly sweater...
Talk soon, Jasper x

Friday, 26 December 2014

What a Marvellous Day.

First and foremost: I hope you all had a brilliant Christmas yesterday, whether you spent it with your family and friends or in your pyjamas (or both!).
I, for one, had a BRILLIANT day.
At 9am, I was the first one in my family to open my presents as obviously I am the most important member of the family. As you may know, I ADORE sinking my teeth into a load of wrapping paper and shredding it into pieces less than a centimetre long so when I saw the size of my two presents, I knew that I had a lot of work to do. However, 20 seconds later, I'd completed my task and laying there before my eyes was a loooovely new bed and a Nina Ottosson game- woop! I started tackling the puzzle whilst it was in the box and was so pleased to find 3 treats hiding behind each obstacle,
Ripping open those presents...

I've got this thing in the bag...
Mastered it!

As much as my humans would like to put the presents underneath the Christmas tree, they know that a certain someone is always quite keen to have the first look at what is inside each of them...!
Looking angelic on my brand-new bed...
Following the unwrapping (or unripping, I should say!), my humans and I went to our relatives' house for a delicious roast and more gift-exchanging. Despite not getting any Christmas lunch IN THE SLIGHTEST (outrageous, I know), I had an incredible day with all the family. Perhaps I'll get roast leftovers later on? *crosses paws*
 I wish you all a fantastic Boxing Day and a memorable last week of 2014!
Talk soon, Jasper x