
This is a picture of me in the snow!

Friday, 25 February 2011

Becoming a star!

At the beginning of January, my owner and I sent a form to a television company. This form wasn't any ordinary form-it was an entry to take part in a TV program! On the form we answered a few questions about what we liked doing and we sent it in the post. All month I had my paws crossed and then, one day, we got a phone call saying that we had been selected to take part in an audition! We were so excited! I kept practising my tricks and all I could think about was the audition!
Then, audition day arrived. I got in the car and went on a long journey to the place where we were going to audition. Our audition was a 2pm, so I was able to go for a walk before we went in. At 2pm, I waited outside my car with my owner and we were called to a special room with 4 other doggies who were all completely different. I was asked to wait in a little area and each of us were asked to perform certain tricks such as "down", "sit" and any other tricks we could do. I showed them "paw", "balance" and "stand up" which I all did very well. I was then asked to sit on a skateboard with no wheels. I found it very strange and it smelt funny! I had to do a "dog walk" down the middle of the room and everyone was watching me. Afterwards, I was given a treat and I jumped back in the car. My owner was then asked some questions and on one question they asked what funny moments had there been. My owner told them about when I nearly pulled someone into the river! Afterwards, we all went back into the room and then we went home. It was such a fun day and a great experience.
Bye, from Jasper x

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