Hey everyone!
Guess what?! It's only 16 days until Christmas! How exciting is that?
My owners have already bought me my presents. How do you know, you say? My owners had to try my presents on me first... But it's still half a surprise! They've also got me other things, but these remain a secret!
The other day, it was my owner's birthday. She asked for a basket for her bike that I can go in- and she got it! When the basket arrived, the box was huge! And man, once opened, we realised why! The basket is HUGE! And when I say huge, I mean ENORMOUS! We haven't tried it yet, but I am slightly doubting that I will be safe in it! It does have a wire cover to keep me in, but it's so big that it will probably knock into people and cars! Anyway, lets hope for the best!
As it is coming up to Christmas, I would love to give each of my readers a little present from me to you. I would love to be able to upload pictures of all the doggies that read my blog! If you want to have a picture of you on my blog, then please email me at jasperthedoggie@hotmail.co.uk with a picture and I will happily upload it for the world to see how beautifully amazing you are!
Merry Christmas, Jasper x
This is a picture of me in the snow!
Friday, 9 December 2011
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Discover Dogs Photos!
Hey there!
I have finally found the charger so here are the photos of my days at Discover Dogs 2011!
I have finally found the charger so here are the photos of my days at Discover Dogs 2011!
All dogs that were invited to the show were required to enter through a special entrance!
I was competing in the Young Kennel Club ring on both Saturday and Sunday!
Every dog competing is allocated a bay that all their stuff can be stored at. Here is me in my bay!
On the Sunday, I joined my owners in the Main ring to watch the agility and the amazing Southern Golden Retriever Display Team!
Exploring Discover Dogs!
Here's me on the table at the beginning of the Grooming qualifier!
On the Sunday, I joined my owners in the Main ring to watch the agility and the amazing Southern Golden Retriever Display Team!
Very patient retrievers...
Waiting for the humans!Humans and doggies together!
Too excited for posing!Exploring Discover Dogs!
Me by the Discover Dogs logo!
I had two really good days at Discover Dogs! The competitions were amazing, there was lots of things to buy (great for doggie Christmas shopping!) and great help and advice! I really do reccommend attending Discover Dogs 2012 as it truly was fantastic! If you can't wait until then, remember that Crufts 2012 is coming up in March!
Talk soon, Jasper x
www.ykc.org.uk/ - for more information on the Young Kennel Club
Saturday, 26 November 2011
I'm on TV!
Hey everyone!
Yesterday, I came home and one of the humans told me that someone had said that I was on TV! They said I was on the Pet Special on Blue Peter! I got very excited, so found the programme and put it on! Sure enough, I was on TV when Barney and Barney were at Discover Dogs! As you may know from my last few blogs, I went to Discover Dogs to compete in a competition and I said that while I was taking part in a Grooming competition, I saw Barney and Barney from Blue Peter, on the Saturday! Well, at the time I had no idea that they were filming me taking part! Click here to watch the clip on the BBC website. I am on at 18:29 in the background, and I am zoomed in on at 18:39! I am also on briefly at 18:42! It is so cool and when I saw myself, my tail started wagging super fast! As soon as I find the charger for my camera (!) I will upload the photos of Discover Dogs 2011, so talk soon, Jasper x
Yesterday, I came home and one of the humans told me that someone had said that I was on TV! They said I was on the Pet Special on Blue Peter! I got very excited, so found the programme and put it on! Sure enough, I was on TV when Barney and Barney were at Discover Dogs! As you may know from my last few blogs, I went to Discover Dogs to compete in a competition and I said that while I was taking part in a Grooming competition, I saw Barney and Barney from Blue Peter, on the Saturday! Well, at the time I had no idea that they were filming me taking part! Click here to watch the clip on the BBC website. I am on at 18:29 in the background, and I am zoomed in on at 18:39! I am also on briefly at 18:42! It is so cool and when I saw myself, my tail started wagging super fast! As soon as I find the charger for my camera (!) I will upload the photos of Discover Dogs 2011, so talk soon, Jasper x
Friday, 25 November 2011
My time at Discover Dogs: Day 2
Hey everyone,
so it's time for my blog about Discover Dogs: Day 2. If you didn't know already, Discover Dogs is a massive dog show in Earls Court One, London, organised by The Kennel Club. It was on the 12th and 13th November 2011, and has been running for 15 years. Over the two days, Discover Dogs welcomed over 27,500 people from all over the world into its doors! On the Saturday, I competed in a Grooming Competition in the Young Kennel Club arena. On day 2, I was in a Handling Competition in the same ring.
I do not have much experience in Handling, but when my owner found out that there was a qualifier at Discover Dogs, she sent in the entry form and got us a place. As you may know, Handling is where the human is judge on how "invisible" they can become whilst following instructions. I have to be on a thin lead that show dogs wear. I'm not a show dog, and I pull on the lead! How NOT to become a show dog! Just when I was due to enter the arena, I decided that I would prefer to have a quick sniff around, so I charged off, with my owner flying along behind! Once I'd done what I had to do, we ran back, just in time to begin the competition! Then, we were told to trot along into the arena and stand me in a "show" position. The judge had a quick glance and then we were instructed to have a quick trot around the stage. Once we'd been round, I was back into "show" position. In the ring I was number 13 out of 17, which meant I had to wait 12 doggies before I got my time to shine! Man, was that hard. There were lots of little dogs in the same competition, so when they strut their stuff, I kept yanking out at them! Some said hello, some just carried on trotting!
After waiting for 11 doggies, I decided to have a quick sniff around while the 12th dog was being judged. I think I chose the wrong time to do this! I looked up and WOOPS, there was the judge, waiting for me and my owner! So over we went. My owner got me to stand in my "show" position and was asked to show my teeth. I liked this so I rolled over while the judge examined! I then realised this wasn't the time, so up I got. We were told to do a triangle shape and then to run up and down the ring, back to the judge. The judge moves as you trot round, so my owner tried to avoid blocking her view of me. After, we were told to run back to the end of the line. PHEW! The tension was over! We then got back into position and waited for the last few to strut their stuff. It was then time for the judge to pick her top 5. Up and down the queue she went, giving us all a good look. Then she pointed at her top 5 and the rest left the ring. We didn't get into the top 5, but it isn't all about the winning; it's the taking part that counts!
Well done to all the winners (doggies and humans)! Sunday was another great day, and I really do reccommend attending Discover Dogs 2012, as it is such a brilliant day out! I will upload pictures of the day very soon, so keep checking! Talk soon, Jasper x
so it's time for my blog about Discover Dogs: Day 2. If you didn't know already, Discover Dogs is a massive dog show in Earls Court One, London, organised by The Kennel Club. It was on the 12th and 13th November 2011, and has been running for 15 years. Over the two days, Discover Dogs welcomed over 27,500 people from all over the world into its doors! On the Saturday, I competed in a Grooming Competition in the Young Kennel Club arena. On day 2, I was in a Handling Competition in the same ring.
I do not have much experience in Handling, but when my owner found out that there was a qualifier at Discover Dogs, she sent in the entry form and got us a place. As you may know, Handling is where the human is judge on how "invisible" they can become whilst following instructions. I have to be on a thin lead that show dogs wear. I'm not a show dog, and I pull on the lead! How NOT to become a show dog! Just when I was due to enter the arena, I decided that I would prefer to have a quick sniff around, so I charged off, with my owner flying along behind! Once I'd done what I had to do, we ran back, just in time to begin the competition! Then, we were told to trot along into the arena and stand me in a "show" position. The judge had a quick glance and then we were instructed to have a quick trot around the stage. Once we'd been round, I was back into "show" position. In the ring I was number 13 out of 17, which meant I had to wait 12 doggies before I got my time to shine! Man, was that hard. There were lots of little dogs in the same competition, so when they strut their stuff, I kept yanking out at them! Some said hello, some just carried on trotting!
After waiting for 11 doggies, I decided to have a quick sniff around while the 12th dog was being judged. I think I chose the wrong time to do this! I looked up and WOOPS, there was the judge, waiting for me and my owner! So over we went. My owner got me to stand in my "show" position and was asked to show my teeth. I liked this so I rolled over while the judge examined! I then realised this wasn't the time, so up I got. We were told to do a triangle shape and then to run up and down the ring, back to the judge. The judge moves as you trot round, so my owner tried to avoid blocking her view of me. After, we were told to run back to the end of the line. PHEW! The tension was over! We then got back into position and waited for the last few to strut their stuff. It was then time for the judge to pick her top 5. Up and down the queue she went, giving us all a good look. Then she pointed at her top 5 and the rest left the ring. We didn't get into the top 5, but it isn't all about the winning; it's the taking part that counts!
Well done to all the winners (doggies and humans)! Sunday was another great day, and I really do reccommend attending Discover Dogs 2012, as it is such a brilliant day out! I will upload pictures of the day very soon, so keep checking! Talk soon, Jasper x
Sunday, 20 November 2011
My time at Discover Dogs: Day 1
Hey everyone, sorry for not blogging for a while, I have been so busy!
Last weekend, I went to Discover Dogs in Earls Court One, London. One of my owners is a member of the Young Kennel Club, which is a part of The Kennel Club that is for people aged 6-25. The Young Kennel Club holds qualifiers for Crufts (a big dog show in the NEC, Birmingham) and I was taking part in two at Discover Dogs! You may remember me blogging about a Dogstable qualifier, well this was the same thing but in two different activities: Grooming and Handling. My owner has groomed me before, but not in a big competition! I was in the Clip/Strip and Trim class, which is where the human is allowed to cut my hair, not just brush me.
On the Saturday, at 8am, my owners packed the car and left for Earls Court. I was very excited because I have never been to a BIG dog show like Discover Dogs before! When we arrived, I saw lots of other doggies who were all brushed and looking their best. I said hello to a few and introduced myself and then we went inside. It was massive! There was hundreds of dogs with hundreds of humans and lots and lots of things to buy and watch. It smelt good so I had a good sniff around while we found our bay. The Young Kennel Club had reserved a special place for us to put all our stuff, like my crate and grooming table.
At 10am, it was time for me to enter the YKC arena and begin the competition! A grooming competition is where the human grooms their dog in whatever way is allowed in their category for two hours. Two hours may sound a long time, but trust me, it flew by! A judge watches you being groomed and judges you by the way you are being handled and how you look before the makeover, and after. My owner started brushing out my coat. It felt nice so I kept rolling over! She then went onto trimming my ears- making sure the hair was an even length- and trimming my tail. After that, she started clipping my coat and then back to trimming behind my legs and around my paws. Whilst this was happening, loads of photographers took photos of us and I even saw Barney and Barney from Blue Peter! Once the two hours had whizzed by, my owner was asked to stop grooming and the judge inspected me.
At 2:15pm, the results were announced! All the competitors lined up and our name was called out as we entered the arena once again. They announced who qualified and then we had our photo taken all together. We didn't win our way into Crufts but it was a great day and such a great experience! I would definitely do it again! Talk soon, Jasper x
Last weekend, I went to Discover Dogs in Earls Court One, London. One of my owners is a member of the Young Kennel Club, which is a part of The Kennel Club that is for people aged 6-25. The Young Kennel Club holds qualifiers for Crufts (a big dog show in the NEC, Birmingham) and I was taking part in two at Discover Dogs! You may remember me blogging about a Dogstable qualifier, well this was the same thing but in two different activities: Grooming and Handling. My owner has groomed me before, but not in a big competition! I was in the Clip/Strip and Trim class, which is where the human is allowed to cut my hair, not just brush me.
On the Saturday, at 8am, my owners packed the car and left for Earls Court. I was very excited because I have never been to a BIG dog show like Discover Dogs before! When we arrived, I saw lots of other doggies who were all brushed and looking their best. I said hello to a few and introduced myself and then we went inside. It was massive! There was hundreds of dogs with hundreds of humans and lots and lots of things to buy and watch. It smelt good so I had a good sniff around while we found our bay. The Young Kennel Club had reserved a special place for us to put all our stuff, like my crate and grooming table.
At 10am, it was time for me to enter the YKC arena and begin the competition! A grooming competition is where the human grooms their dog in whatever way is allowed in their category for two hours. Two hours may sound a long time, but trust me, it flew by! A judge watches you being groomed and judges you by the way you are being handled and how you look before the makeover, and after. My owner started brushing out my coat. It felt nice so I kept rolling over! She then went onto trimming my ears- making sure the hair was an even length- and trimming my tail. After that, she started clipping my coat and then back to trimming behind my legs and around my paws. Whilst this was happening, loads of photographers took photos of us and I even saw Barney and Barney from Blue Peter! Once the two hours had whizzed by, my owner was asked to stop grooming and the judge inspected me.
At 2:15pm, the results were announced! All the competitors lined up and our name was called out as we entered the arena once again. They announced who qualified and then we had our photo taken all together. We didn't win our way into Crufts but it was a great day and such a great experience! I would definitely do it again! Talk soon, Jasper x
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Bark & Read Foundation
Hi everyone,
I would just like to congratulate the winner of the Discover Dogs competition who won a pair of tickets to the event this weekend! Well done! This year at Discover Dogs, The Kennel Club is launching a charitable foundation that will help to bring dogs to children as reading companions, in a bid to halt the staggering decline in child literacy.
Zoe Wanamaker is the first celebrity to support the Kennel Club’s new Bark & Read Foundation, which is being launched after figures revealed that one in five children leave school unable to read or to write. This new project will help to support the network of dogs that can be taken in classrooms, libraries and other places of learning to help children develop confidence about reading out loud to a non-judgemental companion.
The project will be officially launched at the Kennel Club’s Discover Dogs event, taking place on 12-13 November at Earls Court. Children, who if under 12 go free to the event, will be able to read to dogs in a dedicated reading corner. The Kennel Club will also be hosting reading days at its library based in Piccadilly, which holds the largest collection of dog literature in Europe. This is a great campaign and if there are any children under 12 you know who you think will enjoy reading to dogs, then come along this Saturday or Sunday the 12th and 13th November to Earls Court in London! Talk soon, Jasper x
I would just like to congratulate the winner of the Discover Dogs competition who won a pair of tickets to the event this weekend! Well done! This year at Discover Dogs, The Kennel Club is launching a charitable foundation that will help to bring dogs to children as reading companions, in a bid to halt the staggering decline in child literacy.
Zoe Wanamaker is the first celebrity to support the Kennel Club’s new Bark & Read Foundation, which is being launched after figures revealed that one in five children leave school unable to read or to write. This new project will help to support the network of dogs that can be taken in classrooms, libraries and other places of learning to help children develop confidence about reading out loud to a non-judgemental companion.
The project will be officially launched at the Kennel Club’s Discover Dogs event, taking place on 12-13 November at Earls Court. Children, who if under 12 go free to the event, will be able to read to dogs in a dedicated reading corner. The Kennel Club will also be hosting reading days at its library based in Piccadilly, which holds the largest collection of dog literature in Europe. This is a great campaign and if there are any children under 12 you know who you think will enjoy reading to dogs, then come along this Saturday or Sunday the 12th and 13th November to Earls Court in London! Talk soon, Jasper x
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Discover Dogs Competition!
Hey everyone!
So here it is, the competition to win a pair of tickets to Discover Dogs in Earls Court One, London, on the 12th and 13th November 2011!
Question: How many different breeds of dog will be at Discover Dogs?
Answer: A) 20
B) 200+
C) 100
Please email your answer with your name and address to jasperthedoggie@hotmail.co.uk
Closing Date: Thursday 3rd November
I look forward to receiving your entries, Jasper x
For more information on Discover Dogs 2011 visit: http://www.discoverdogs.org.uk/
To buy tickets to Discover Dogs visit: http://www.discoverdogs.org.uk/ticket-office
So here it is, the competition to win a pair of tickets to Discover Dogs in Earls Court One, London, on the 12th and 13th November 2011!
Question: How many different breeds of dog will be at Discover Dogs?
Answer: A) 20
B) 200+
C) 100
Please email your answer with your name and address to jasperthedoggie@hotmail.co.uk
Closing Date: Thursday 3rd November
I look forward to receiving your entries, Jasper x
For more information on Discover Dogs 2011 visit: http://www.discoverdogs.org.uk/
To buy tickets to Discover Dogs visit: http://www.discoverdogs.org.uk/ticket-office
Discover Dogs!
Hello everyone!
I thought as I mentioned that I am competing at Discover Dogs next month, I would tell you all about it!
Discover Dogs started in 1996 and is sponsored by Royal Canin. This year it is on the 12th and 13th November in Earls Court One and is expected to welcome over 26,000 visitors and 3,000 dogs (I will be one of them!) over the two days. The event provides a fantastic opportunity for visitors to meet, greet and discover over 200 different breeds of purebred dog, and learn all about the distinctive personalities, traits and looks of each breed and how to buy the perfect canine partner.
Discover Dogs is in it's 15th year and is a must-see in the canine calendar. The event is organised by The Kennel Club and I strongly recommend attending as it is a great day! You can watch dogs do Agility, Heelwork to Music, Flyball and lots more! There is also a display of all the Dog Photographer of the Year 2011 winners and lots of doggie competitions! Discover Dogs is a fantastic family day out and children under 12 get free entry!
For more information visit: http://www.discoverdogs.org.uk/whats-on.
To buy tickets visit: http://www.discoverdogs.org.uk/ticket-office.
I hope to see you there, Jasper x
P.S I will be running a competition for the opportunity to win a pair of tickets to Discover Dogs shortly, so keep checking back!
I thought as I mentioned that I am competing at Discover Dogs next month, I would tell you all about it!
Discover Dogs started in 1996 and is sponsored by Royal Canin. This year it is on the 12th and 13th November in Earls Court One and is expected to welcome over 26,000 visitors and 3,000 dogs (I will be one of them!) over the two days. The event provides a fantastic opportunity for visitors to meet, greet and discover over 200 different breeds of purebred dog, and learn all about the distinctive personalities, traits and looks of each breed and how to buy the perfect canine partner.
Discover Dogs is in it's 15th year and is a must-see in the canine calendar. The event is organised by The Kennel Club and I strongly recommend attending as it is a great day! You can watch dogs do Agility, Heelwork to Music, Flyball and lots more! There is also a display of all the Dog Photographer of the Year 2011 winners and lots of doggie competitions! Discover Dogs is a fantastic family day out and children under 12 get free entry!
For more information visit: http://www.discoverdogs.org.uk/whats-on.
To buy tickets visit: http://www.discoverdogs.org.uk/ticket-office.
I hope to see you there, Jasper x
P.S I will be running a competition for the opportunity to win a pair of tickets to Discover Dogs shortly, so keep checking back!
Friday, 21 October 2011
Half Term!!
Hi everyone!
It's Half Term at last! I'm very excited! Half term means company all day long, extra walks, double the amount of cuddles and lots of fun! This half term I'm going to be especially busy as I have got 2 Crufts qualifiers at Discover Dogs- how cool is that?! I have a busy schedule! Also, I am hoping to have a Heelwork To Music qualifier at the end of November, so I will have to continue practising my routine as well! I hope everyone has a great Half Term and I'll talk soon, Jasper x
It's Half Term at last! I'm very excited! Half term means company all day long, extra walks, double the amount of cuddles and lots of fun! This half term I'm going to be especially busy as I have got 2 Crufts qualifiers at Discover Dogs- how cool is that?! I have a busy schedule! Also, I am hoping to have a Heelwork To Music qualifier at the end of November, so I will have to continue practising my routine as well! I hope everyone has a great Half Term and I'll talk soon, Jasper x
Sunday, 9 October 2011
My Birthday!
Hi everyone,
I know I am a day late in telling you, but I'm going to tell you all about my birthday, yesterday!
I share my birthday with one of my owners-wierd isn't it- and obviously my twin brother, Dill.
When I woke up yesterday (8th October) I was very excited. All year I've been waiting for this day and it had finally arrived! My owner greeted me with a song of "Happy Birthday!" And then she gave me a massive snuggle! My tail wagged all day! I got lots and lots of cuddles (even more than normal) which was an extra, special treat! I then went on a long walk by the river in this massive park which was very nice!
Afterwards, I got home and we started opening presents. My owner opened a few of his and then I got given mine. My heart started beating faster and faster as the tension built up...It was a bone! I was so happy and straight away I went off to my favourite place (in front of the front door in the sun!). I chewed for ages until visitors arrived. They were all happy to see me and I got lots more cuddles! Then my owner opened a few more presents while I started chewing on my bone again. It was then cake time!
I had had a sneaky feeling about my owner while she was in the kitchen for a while...And then I found out why! My owner had baked my 12 "pupcakes" (2 for my brother and 10 for me!!) which were sooo tasty! She put a candle on one of the cakes and put it in my dog bowl. I blew the candle out (with some help) and then I chomped it down in one bite! I had a great day! Jasper x
I know I am a day late in telling you, but I'm going to tell you all about my birthday, yesterday!
I share my birthday with one of my owners-wierd isn't it- and obviously my twin brother, Dill.
When I woke up yesterday (8th October) I was very excited. All year I've been waiting for this day and it had finally arrived! My owner greeted me with a song of "Happy Birthday!" And then she gave me a massive snuggle! My tail wagged all day! I got lots and lots of cuddles (even more than normal) which was an extra, special treat! I then went on a long walk by the river in this massive park which was very nice!
Afterwards, I got home and we started opening presents. My owner opened a few of his and then I got given mine. My heart started beating faster and faster as the tension built up...It was a bone! I was so happy and straight away I went off to my favourite place (in front of the front door in the sun!). I chewed for ages until visitors arrived. They were all happy to see me and I got lots more cuddles! Then my owner opened a few more presents while I started chewing on my bone again. It was then cake time!
I had had a sneaky feeling about my owner while she was in the kitchen for a while...And then I found out why! My owner had baked my 12 "pupcakes" (2 for my brother and 10 for me!!) which were sooo tasty! She put a candle on one of the cakes and put it in my dog bowl. I blew the candle out (with some help) and then I chomped it down in one bite! I had a great day! Jasper x
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Hi everyone,
You may remember me mentioning making a Twitter account a few months ago. Well, guess what, I now have! I am going to tweet as regularly as I can so everyone can keep up to date with me, but don't worry, I am still going to be blogging about my life in more detail. So, if you have Twitter, follow me! http://twitter.com/#!/Jasperthedoggie Thanks everyone, Jasper x
You may remember me mentioning making a Twitter account a few months ago. Well, guess what, I now have! I am going to tweet as regularly as I can so everyone can keep up to date with me, but don't worry, I am still going to be blogging about my life in more detail. So, if you have Twitter, follow me! http://twitter.com/#!/Jasperthedoggie Thanks everyone, Jasper x
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Agility Competition!
Hi everyone,
Sorry for not blogging for a while, I have been very busy!
Last weekend, I had an agility competition. We left at 7:45am to get there for 9am, which was when the Judge's Briefing was. When I got there, I instantly remembered the place. I had been to the same event but last year, when I didn't compete but took part in a have-a-go thing! While some dogs did Pair Agility, I decided to do a bit of training before the competition, so I could get use to the ring. The first time I did it was just training and the second time was a competition, but just a fun one! It was really fun and I didn't want my go to end! Luckily, I had my two proper competitions afterwards and I was very excited. First up was the agility course: hoop jump, A-frame, jump, dog walk, funny jump bit, tunnel, jump X3, see-saw, half-tunnel, tunnel, jump X2! My owner walked the course and then we queued up to have our go. I went second in the medium category. 3...2...1...GO! And I was off! I did everything perfectly: the jumps, the tunnel, the see-saw, the dog walk but then it got to the half-tunnel. I have never been keen on the half-tunnel but I did it during the training sessions, however this time I didn't feel like doing it! I jump on top of the tunnel and walk up the droopy bit of tunnel. I found it very funny and so did all the people watching, as my owner attempted to get me to go through! We first got a penalty, then another penalty, then elimination!! After I got eliminated I realised that I should probably get on with the course and I finished the last few obstacles. Although we didn't get a clear round and through to the final, we entertained the audience and it was a great experience.
However, that was not all! I had also signed up to do a speed circle agility course, which, at the time, I had no idea what it was! We turned up for my go and got out into the arena. I learnt that I had to complete all the obstacles in a circle as fast as I could and keep on going until a whistle went. At that point, I had to run through a tunnel and over a jump to finish my go! So, I began. I had a great start and did the first few jumps and tunnel but then I realised there were a group of people chanting my name! I felt as though I had to thank them for the support, so I went over to them. Whoops! I realised that I was being timed and that I was wasting it! I sped off but unfortunately, half way round, the whistle went and I had to end the course. Although I didn't win either of the competitions, the lady commentating said that I win the "Best Looking Spaniel" Competition! I was very pleased and then it was time to go.
The whole day was great and I loved meeting all the other doggies!
Talk soon, Jasper x
Sorry for not blogging for a while, I have been very busy!
Last weekend, I had an agility competition. We left at 7:45am to get there for 9am, which was when the Judge's Briefing was. When I got there, I instantly remembered the place. I had been to the same event but last year, when I didn't compete but took part in a have-a-go thing! While some dogs did Pair Agility, I decided to do a bit of training before the competition, so I could get use to the ring. The first time I did it was just training and the second time was a competition, but just a fun one! It was really fun and I didn't want my go to end! Luckily, I had my two proper competitions afterwards and I was very excited. First up was the agility course: hoop jump, A-frame, jump, dog walk, funny jump bit, tunnel, jump X3, see-saw, half-tunnel, tunnel, jump X2! My owner walked the course and then we queued up to have our go. I went second in the medium category. 3...2...1...GO! And I was off! I did everything perfectly: the jumps, the tunnel, the see-saw, the dog walk but then it got to the half-tunnel. I have never been keen on the half-tunnel but I did it during the training sessions, however this time I didn't feel like doing it! I jump on top of the tunnel and walk up the droopy bit of tunnel. I found it very funny and so did all the people watching, as my owner attempted to get me to go through! We first got a penalty, then another penalty, then elimination!! After I got eliminated I realised that I should probably get on with the course and I finished the last few obstacles. Although we didn't get a clear round and through to the final, we entertained the audience and it was a great experience.
However, that was not all! I had also signed up to do a speed circle agility course, which, at the time, I had no idea what it was! We turned up for my go and got out into the arena. I learnt that I had to complete all the obstacles in a circle as fast as I could and keep on going until a whistle went. At that point, I had to run through a tunnel and over a jump to finish my go! So, I began. I had a great start and did the first few jumps and tunnel but then I realised there were a group of people chanting my name! I felt as though I had to thank them for the support, so I went over to them. Whoops! I realised that I was being timed and that I was wasting it! I sped off but unfortunately, half way round, the whistle went and I had to end the course. Although I didn't win either of the competitions, the lady commentating said that I win the "Best Looking Spaniel" Competition! I was very pleased and then it was time to go.
The whole day was great and I loved meeting all the other doggies!
Talk soon, Jasper x
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
New photos!
Hi everyone!
Just thought I'd let you know that I have uploaded three new pictures onto my blog!
Two of them are at the bottom and one is at the side!
I am hoping to upload more, but until then I hope you like the new photos,
Jasper x
P.S Feel free to comment on this blog, and if you have any questions you want to ask, I would be happy to answer them!
Just thought I'd let you know that I have uploaded three new pictures onto my blog!
Two of them are at the bottom and one is at the side!
I am hoping to upload more, but until then I hope you like the new photos,
Jasper x
P.S Feel free to comment on this blog, and if you have any questions you want to ask, I would be happy to answer them!
Friday, 19 August 2011
Hi everyone,
I thought I would quickly just let you know that I have a youtube account! My account is called jasperthedoggie-click on the link to go to it. I haven't uploaded any videos yet (sorry everyone!) but I will do soon! Keep checking it, Jasper x
I thought I would quickly just let you know that I have a youtube account! My account is called jasperthedoggie-click on the link to go to it. I haven't uploaded any videos yet (sorry everyone!) but I will do soon! Keep checking it, Jasper x
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Fun in the rain!
Hi everyone!
How is your summer going? Mine is great, I am having such a fun time!
Where I am, it has been raining today. Many people and doggies groan about this, but not me! I love the rain! It is my favourite type of weather! (Well, apart from snow, of course!) Today, when my owners took me out on my lunchtime walk, we had to leave in the rain. They weren't so sure about this, (I don't know why!) but off we went. I had the time of my life! It was so fun! Everything was quiet, and I had the whole park to myself. My owners threw my tennis ball and I chased off after it, the rain pelting at my face. It was so lovely and refreshing! We then went over to the big hill, and me, being a springer, jumped through the tall plants at full speed. It was great! It didn't stop raining the whole time. Infact, the rain got stronger the further across rhe park we went! After all the excitement, we walked back home and my owners put in the towel bag (this cool red bag that keeps me warm and dries me!) and I went fast asleep! I hope everyone has had an amazing day, talk soon, Jasper x
P.S Sorry I haven't upload the photos of my summer so far, I am having a bit of a tech prob! I will try to upload them as soon as possible!
How is your summer going? Mine is great, I am having such a fun time!
Where I am, it has been raining today. Many people and doggies groan about this, but not me! I love the rain! It is my favourite type of weather! (Well, apart from snow, of course!) Today, when my owners took me out on my lunchtime walk, we had to leave in the rain. They weren't so sure about this, (I don't know why!) but off we went. I had the time of my life! It was so fun! Everything was quiet, and I had the whole park to myself. My owners threw my tennis ball and I chased off after it, the rain pelting at my face. It was so lovely and refreshing! We then went over to the big hill, and me, being a springer, jumped through the tall plants at full speed. It was great! It didn't stop raining the whole time. Infact, the rain got stronger the further across rhe park we went! After all the excitement, we walked back home and my owners put in the towel bag (this cool red bag that keeps me warm and dries me!) and I went fast asleep! I hope everyone has had an amazing day, talk soon, Jasper x
P.S Sorry I haven't upload the photos of my summer so far, I am having a bit of a tech prob! I will try to upload them as soon as possible!
Friday, 5 August 2011
Is everybody having a good summer? I definately am! So far I have been in the river (loads!), been to the biggest park in the world (loads!) and been practising my agility and heelwork to music (loads!).
I am having the best summer ever! My owner has said that she will make do a photoshoot of me today and I am very excited as I love having my photo taken! I will upload the pictures as soon as possible.
Bye, from Jasper x
Is everybody having a good summer? I definately am! So far I have been in the river (loads!), been to the biggest park in the world (loads!) and been practising my agility and heelwork to music (loads!).
I am having the best summer ever! My owner has said that she will make do a photoshoot of me today and I am very excited as I love having my photo taken! I will upload the pictures as soon as possible.
Bye, from Jasper x
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Summer has arrived!
Hey everyone,
Summer has finally arrived and I'm loving every second of it! I go in the river loads and loads, I am able to spend much more time outdoors, and it is nice and sunny! My owner says that my agility is coming on loads too-all because I love Summer (and because I am also very clever!). A few days ago, my owner put the paddling pool up, so I was able to jump in and out and sunbathe in the sun whilst cooling down in the water. It was very relaxing! Soon, I'll also have my whole family to myself all the time; I am looking forward to the amount of cuddles I will be receiving! I hope everyone is having as good a summer as I am, Jasper x
Summer has finally arrived and I'm loving every second of it! I go in the river loads and loads, I am able to spend much more time outdoors, and it is nice and sunny! My owner says that my agility is coming on loads too-all because I love Summer (and because I am also very clever!). A few days ago, my owner put the paddling pool up, so I was able to jump in and out and sunbathe in the sun whilst cooling down in the water. It was very relaxing! Soon, I'll also have my whole family to myself all the time; I am looking forward to the amount of cuddles I will be receiving! I hope everyone is having as good a summer as I am, Jasper x
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Heelwork to Music update!
Hi everyone,
I just thought I would update you about my Heelwork to Music training!
At the moment, I practising my routine in preparation for my Crufts Qualifier coming up towards the end of the year! I am dancing to "Club Can't Handle Me" by Flo-Rida!! I love the routine and my favourite part is weaving through my owner's legs. My tail wags a million times a minute! I am using a hoop for my prop and love jumping through it so much that I just can't stop! I have been filmed doing the routine and everyone says how good I am! I now can't wait until the Crufts Qualifier! Talk soon, Jasper x
I just thought I would update you about my Heelwork to Music training!
At the moment, I practising my routine in preparation for my Crufts Qualifier coming up towards the end of the year! I am dancing to "Club Can't Handle Me" by Flo-Rida!! I love the routine and my favourite part is weaving through my owner's legs. My tail wags a million times a minute! I am using a hoop for my prop and love jumping through it so much that I just can't stop! I have been filmed doing the routine and everyone says how good I am! I now can't wait until the Crufts Qualifier! Talk soon, Jasper x
Saturday, 14 May 2011
My first Crufts Qualifier!
Last weekend, my owner and I travelled to an event. First, when we arrived we checked out where we were going. We were going to do a Crufts Qualifier! I am trying out to take part in the Dogstable course. My owner had to dress up as a superhero, so dressed up as Batman! My owner then had to go and walk the course- jump, both handler and dog weave through cones, tunnel, jump, jump, trick (I did balancing on my back legs!), heel, gate, plank, recall, superhero move, jump, weave and then finally a jump to finish the course. Once, my owner had walked the course, it was time to queue up and wait for our name to be called. Then, it was our turn, our names were called out and my owner let me off the lead. I was very nervous and I wanted my whole family with me so I...ran off! My owner called and chased after me and then she slipped over and fell into a puddle. She was soaked! It was very funny but I also felt quite bad so I stopped running and we started the course. "3,2,1...GO!" And we were off! I went straight over the jump but I had a few problems going through the weaves as I was slightly distracted by the people watching! Then, I ran through the tunnel and jump over the two jumps. It was then my trick and I did it brilliantly! Then, it was heel. I am not normally very good at heel. I do try very hard, but I like going off on sniffer trails. However, my owner said I did it very well but we were too slow and we got whistled off. We didn't qualify but it was my first time and a very good experience.
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Happy Easter everyone!!
I hope everyone is having as good a day as I am! Today, I firstly went on a long walk to the park and played with my favourite tennis ball! My owner threw it really far
and I sprinted really fast to get it! I then went to see my brother and we went in the river together. My owner threw a stick really far in the river and my brother and I raced each other to get the stick first! Lots of people watched us and they seemed to find
us very amusing!! I've had such a fun day and I hope you had fun too!
I hope everyone is having as good a day as I am! Today, I firstly went on a long walk to the park and played with my favourite tennis ball! My owner threw it really far
and I sprinted really fast to get it! I then went to see my brother and we went in the river together. My owner threw a stick really far in the river and my brother and I raced each other to get the stick first! Lots of people watched us and they seemed to find
us very amusing!! I've had such a fun day and I hope you had fun too!
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
It's nearly Easter!
Only a few more days until the easter holidays, and I can't wait! I'll be able to go to the river more often, I'll be able to go to different places, and I might even be going to the seaside! I can then also practise Agility and Heelwork to Music more often and be able to learn new tricks. My owner has also promised to give a wash, and even though I don't enjoy having a bath, I will smell nice and fresh and be very clean! Only two more days and then two weeks of pure bliss!
Bye, from Jasper x
Bye, from Jasper x
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Fame at last!
Guess what?! I'm famous! It all started at the beginning of January when my owner sent a letter to the Young Kennel Club. We had won a competition (a Wahl dog grooming kit!) and wanted to thank them for it. As well as that, my owner also told them about what I have been up to recently and what we were planning to do. Yesterday, my owner opened the regular YKC magazine and guess what-I'm in it! The letter that we had written was in it and a picture of me! We were very excited and we started running around the room-we were so happy! I am really proud to be shown off to all the other Young Kennel Club members and hopefully, my time for fame has arrived! Bye, from Jasper x
Friday, 25 February 2011
Becoming a star!
At the beginning of January, my owner and I sent a form to a television company. This form wasn't any ordinary form-it was an entry to take part in a TV program! On the form we answered a few questions about what we liked doing and we sent it in the post. All month I had my paws crossed and then, one day, we got a phone call saying that we had been selected to take part in an audition! We were so excited! I kept practising my tricks and all I could think about was the audition!
Then, audition day arrived. I got in the car and went on a long journey to the place where we were going to audition. Our audition was a 2pm, so I was able to go for a walk before we went in. At 2pm, I waited outside my car with my owner and we were called to a special room with 4 other doggies who were all completely different. I was asked to wait in a little area and each of us were asked to perform certain tricks such as "down", "sit" and any other tricks we could do. I showed them "paw", "balance" and "stand up" which I all did very well. I was then asked to sit on a skateboard with no wheels. I found it very strange and it smelt funny! I had to do a "dog walk" down the middle of the room and everyone was watching me. Afterwards, I was given a treat and I jumped back in the car. My owner was then asked some questions and on one question they asked what funny moments had there been. My owner told them about when I nearly pulled someone into the river! Afterwards, we all went back into the room and then we went home. It was such a fun day and a great experience.
Bye, from Jasper x
Then, audition day arrived. I got in the car and went on a long journey to the place where we were going to audition. Our audition was a 2pm, so I was able to go for a walk before we went in. At 2pm, I waited outside my car with my owner and we were called to a special room with 4 other doggies who were all completely different. I was asked to wait in a little area and each of us were asked to perform certain tricks such as "down", "sit" and any other tricks we could do. I showed them "paw", "balance" and "stand up" which I all did very well. I was then asked to sit on a skateboard with no wheels. I found it very strange and it smelt funny! I had to do a "dog walk" down the middle of the room and everyone was watching me. Afterwards, I was given a treat and I jumped back in the car. My owner was then asked some questions and on one question they asked what funny moments had there been. My owner told them about when I nearly pulled someone into the river! Afterwards, we all went back into the room and then we went home. It was such a fun day and a great experience.
Bye, from Jasper x
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Back at Agility!
Yesterday, I went back to Agility! As soon as we arrived, I jumped out of the car and started on my sniffer trail. I recognised one of my friends but there was also a lot of new doggies. The first thing we did was jumping over a jump and then touching the mat that had my tennis ball on it. Everytime we jumped, we had to jump over more jumps: the first time we jumped over 1 jump, then 2 jumps, then 3 and then 4. Apparently, I was very good at it! After that, we had to do "Weave". Although I had completely forgotten about Weave, I was quite good at it and it was really fun! Then, we did "See-Saw". See-Saw is my favourite-I love See-Saw! Firstly, I had to jump half-way up onto See-Saw and then supposedly walk, very nicely, down the ramp to get my tennis ball, but, I ran down the ramp to get tennis ball so I had to do it again but walk down the ramp this time. After that, we did See-Saw again but this time we had to walk up the ramp and then See-Saw went down to the ground to get tennis ball. I was very good at this and I found it a lot of fun!
I can't wait until next Saturday!
Bye, from Jasper x
I can't wait until next Saturday!
Bye, from Jasper x
Saturday, 22 January 2011
My first Heelwork to Music lesson
Yesterday I started Heelwork to Music lessons-What a fun lesson I had! When I was approaching the hall where the lessons are held, I could hear lots and lots of barking which meant other dogs! I went in the hall and saw lots of different breeds of dogs. All of the dogs had been doing Heelwork to Music for a long time, where as I was only a beginner. Firstly, we started the training with this clicker thing. I love the clicker because everytime it gets clicked, I got a little piece of sausage! Mmmm.... Then, I followed the clicker around my owners legs and CLICK! I got a treat-it was a lot of fun! I can now do things with a clicker and I can weave through my owners legs-how cool is that?! I can't wait until next lesson! Bye, from Jasper x
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Happy New Year!
Happy new year everyone!
How was your 2010? Did you enjoy it? I certainly did!
My top 3 things about 2010 are:
1. It snowed!
2. I started learning agility!
3. I went on holiday to the seaside!
Do you have a New Year's Resolution? My owner said my resolution should be to stop eating tennis balls-I will try to keep to this but it's going to be very hard-they taste so good!
I hope you have a very good 2011-bye, from Jasper x
How was your 2010? Did you enjoy it? I certainly did!
My top 3 things about 2010 are:
1. It snowed!
2. I started learning agility!
3. I went on holiday to the seaside!
Do you have a New Year's Resolution? My owner said my resolution should be to stop eating tennis balls-I will try to keep to this but it's going to be very hard-they taste so good!
I hope you have a very good 2011-bye, from Jasper x
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