After having a chill on the couch (walks are tiring, ya know), one of my humans declared that it was time for a trip in the car. Yipppppeeeeee! I love the car. Obviously, I had to show my enthusiasm so ran laps and more laps around the dining table- no backing out now humans. The front door was opened and I bolted it out straight to the car. I hopped into the crate and made sure I was comfy; gave the blanket a good beating and tugging to make sure it was right where I wanted it to be. The engine rumbled and we were off- but where were we off to? Well, we were turning left so not off for another family visit... And left again so not a trip to the river... No no no surely not no no not the groomers no no oh no help no... My human pulled up in front of the groomers.
I hate the groomers.
The human unlocked the crate, put my lead on and haaaa you think I'm getting out the car without a struggle eh? Humans can be so silly sometimes.
Unfortunately, they did manage to lift me out of the car and put me down on the pavement, glaring upwards at the pink sign of the grooming salon.
As my human started walking the few metres to the entrance, I jumped straight down on to the ground, hiding on the bare pavement. Okay, so that didn't really work, but I did manage to dig my paws into the path, not budging.
Sadly, the human did manage to get me into the salon. The lady was very friendly but there's just something about getting my hair cut by someone else that gives me the heebie jeebies. Despite saving my best puppy eyes for the last moment, my human bid me farewell and promised she'd be back super soon.
Two hours later and, boy, was I looking handsome. When my human returned, I trotted out with a rapidly wagging tail- I admit, the groomers wasn't quite as bad as I had expected. I was looking even more gorgeous and feeling a good few kilograms lighter thanks to the clippers.
Of course, no trip to the hairdressers is without a photoshoot to prove it so here's the new me...
Yes, the groomers did keep the mop on the top of my head...
It is now written in their files to only give it a trim.
Talk soon, Jasper x