
This is a picture of me in the snow!

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

A Busy Few Weeks

As always, spring has been a busy one in my household. Of course, we've had many, many walks out amongst the blossom but the past few months have been particularly chaotic.

I've moved back home!

As you may recall, at the beginning of the year, my humans and I packed up the house to move across the town for a few months while our house was torn apart.

We have finally return and, although 
the house we're in now has about 1/16th of the garden in the other one, it truly does feel good to be home. I had certainly missed the park we'd always walked to and the neighbours who I could reply upon giving me lots and lots of snuggles (who can blame them) but apparently my humans had missed something quite different. Or, someone, in fact.

My humans had missed the local cat. My faith in the humans diminished the very second we walked into that house and they ran up to the window to see if Meow Meow was still there.
The first day was all good as, fortunately, Meow Meow was nowhere to be seen.
The second day was also marvellous as, although the neighbour's cat Yasha came prowling, he doesn't claim my land like Meow Meow does.
The third day... Dooms Day.
Halfway through the afternoon, the words I'd dreaded to hear soar through the building as one the humans yelled "MEOW MEOW'S BACK!"
Those three words alone were enough for me to make a run for the human's bed upstairs, which I tend to scratch my back on in revenge for any inattentive behaviour shown by the humans towards me.
Considering the fact that Meow Meow made his return at the beginning of the month, one would assume that there would be cat problems no longer.
Abominably, this is not the case. Meow Meow is still very much an intruder of my territory. Much to my humans' dismay, the cat has decided that sleeping on the cold, wet grass is better than returning home and so today, regardless of the unbelievable level of rain, I've had to put up wth my humans wishing Meow Meow to head indoors. 
The only thing they've done that brought me an inch of pleasure is the fact that Meow Meow continues to be forbidden from MY house. After all, a prince must have at least some restrictions to honour his peace and position.

Nevertheless, I shall continue to fight against these cat intruders and reclaim what is rightfully mine.

What an eventful few months.