
This is a picture of me in the snow!

Saturday, 4 April 2015

A Year Since the Accident... And I'm Back in a Cone.

On 4th April 2014, something happened that changed everything. When I was out on a walk at the local park, just chasing a ball like I always did, I suddenly fell to the ground in agony. An overnight stay at the vet told us that I had broken a leg. A trip to Fitzpatrick Referrals (home to 'The SuperVet') told us that my joint had shattered on both sides of one of my legs. Following a surgical procedure the day after and another two nights spent at the dogspital, I was finally able to come home- but I couldn't walk.

After surgical procedures... My titanium right leg!
Thank you to Fitzapatrick Referrals for sending me the X-rays
Obviously, as a very active English Springer Spaniel, my lack of mobility caused me a few issues, to say the least. Eight weeks of no walks and the cone of shame followed the accident but a trip back to Fitzpatrick Referrals gave me the all-clear and I was able to start the wonder that is hydrotherapy. A positive can always be made out of a negative! Except the fact that I will never, ever be allowed to play with a tennis ball again...

A year on and my titanium leg is causing me no problems at all- but the other one is. Recently, I began persistently licking my leg, which resulted in a very nasty gash appearing. Off to the vets I went again! After my past experiences at the vet, I am not a massive fan of the place, but this recent visit confirmed my hatred of it: I am back in the cone of shame.
Feeling sorry for myself...

Oh yes, that irritating piece of plastic that causes us doggies nothing but grief... I'm back in it. I know, I know, in the long-run it's for the better but that doesn't end my despising of that cone. Urgh. Oh legs, why do you cause me problems so...?

Despite my not-so-pleasant experiences at the vet and the dogspital, my humans and I are very grateful for everything you have done over the past year. We're not sure where we would be without you! Fitzpatrick Referrals is truly an incredible place, full of incredible people. Thank you!

Talk soon, Jasper x