
This is a picture of me in the snow!

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Win Tickets to Discover Dogs!

Win a pair of tickets to Discover Dogs, sponsored by Eukanuba and Metro Bank!

On 8-9th November, over 3,000 dogs and 34,000 people are expected to flock through the doors of Earls Court One, London, to attend London's biggest dog show, Discover Dogs.
And you could be one of them!
Thanks to the Kennel Club, I have two tickets to give away to one lucky reader and they could be you...

For your chance to win tickets, all you have to do is correctly answer the following question:
What year was the first Discover Dogs held in?

a) 2013

b) 2005

c) 1996

For help with your answer, scroll down to read the post below or click here.

To enter, email your answer, along with your name and address, to
You can use the contact form on the right-hand side of the page to do this; just input your name and email address, and then write your answer and address into the message box.
Hurry- the deadline for entries is Thursday 30th October at 12pm!

Good luck!

Jasper x

If you don't get lucky this time round, you can buy tickets here 
For more information on Discover Dogs, visit

Thursday, 23 October 2014

It's Time for the Biggest Dog Show in London...

On 8th and 9th November, Discover Dogs will be on at Earls Court One, London, and it's definitely an event that is not to be missed!
Since the dog show started in 1996, it has been growing and growing, with more things to see and do each and every year. This year promises to be the best the show has been to date, with thrilling things to see and do, such as...
Last time I went to Discover Dogs!
  • The Discover Dogs area, where you can meet and greet over 200 breeds of dog!
  • Exciting agility competitions, with top dogs and handlers battling each other to qualify for grand finals at Crufts 2015
  • Incredible heelwork to music routines performed by some of the nation's experts
  • The Young Kennel Club zone, exhibiting some of country's most promising young dog handlers
  • Lots and lots of shopping... As there's over 100 different stands at Discover Dogs, it is the perfect place for doing some of your Christmas shopping!
The adorable Southern Golden Retriever
Display Team at Discover Dogs
And, if that wasn't enough, there will be over 3,000 canines from across the globe attending the show for you to admire- what's not to like?!

Discover Dogs truly is the best place for a family day out and, with under 12s getting free entry to the show, it's an affordable one too!

Talk soon, Jasper x

 For more information on the dog show, visit 
To buy tickets to Discover Dogs, click here

Sunday, 12 October 2014

63 Years Old...

9 years old. Yup, 9 years ago, little Jasper, the vulnerable runt of the litter, was born. And now he's 63 dog-years old and as dominant (over humans) as ever.
Where has all that time gone?! 
As some of you may know, I share my birthday with one of my humans, so, every year, we have a lot of guests invading my space on 8th October. However, as it's my birthday, I don't mind at all. I don't think I can recall one human who DIDN'T come up to me, give me a snuggle and wish me a 'happy Birthday'. Even the humans who aren't the biggest dog fans (why wouldn't you be a dog-lover when you know of dogs like me?!) let me give them a good ol' sniff. 
It was brilliant.
Another perk of sharing your birthday with a human is that there is lots and lots of wrapping paper to tear into tiny shreds. Yippee! Who doesn't love sinking their teeth into unopened presents?! Every time my human started opening a gift, I'd belt across the room to try and give them a helping paw. The things we doggies do for humans...
In addition, human birthdays consist of much more cake than doggie ones for some unbeknown reason. Many doggies have to get through their special day with not even a smidge of cake, unless their human makes them a pupcake. Pupcakes are delicious-don't get me wrong- but nothing is the same as some Victoria Sponge. Usually on my birthday, I can find crumbs to lick up or a plate accidentally left on a low surface with half a cake remaining on it for me to devour but, this year, I was distraught to find that my human got a giant cookie cake.
I know. A cookie but a GIANT one. How ridiculous! As much as I love human food, even I realise that milk chocolate chunks in a huge cookie is not the best for a canine. No cake for me this year!
Despite the disappointment regarding the cake, I still had a super 9th birthday, consisting of endless treats and snuggles. 
Here's to life as a 63-year-old!
Talk soon, Jasper x