
This is a picture of me in the snow!

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

It's Nearly My Birthday!

Yep, that's right, in 6 days time, I am going to be 8 years old which means, in dog years, I am going to be approximately 56.
56 years old...
However, I have no intention of slowing down, ooooohh no.
I'm a Springer so naturally, to the joy of my humans, I am going to continue springing here, there and everywhere, all day, all night.
Most humans, when they see me, tell me that I'm pretty lovely (I mean, I know that already) but also that I have lots and lots of energy. Well, if they think that when they see me by myself, wait until they see me with my twin brother, Dillon: two Springers = twice the energy!
And what makes things even better is that recently one of my relatives bought a house which sits by river. Idyllic, yes; peaceful, yes... Well, until my brother and I charge in.

Water, water, wateeeeeer!

 I can smell it a mile away.  As soon as I jump out of the car, I bolt into it, swallowing every litre of water that I can. We have such great times, my brother and I, swimming back and forth in a place where the humans can't reach us... Unless they join us for a dip in the water, that is.
Unfortunately, this doesn't happen very often. Humans really do not have an idea what fun is. Only occasionally do they let us have a pool party; all the other times, we are put on our leads and dragged into the house where all we can do is look at the river. It's a cruel, cruel world.
Hopefully though, on my birthday, I am allowed to have get into the glorious water and, who knows, they might even like to join me. The more, the merrier!
Talk soon, Jasper x