Each day, the staff arrive very early in the morning, to feed the large number of animals who live there and to keep the zoo looking clean. Therefore, my human's first job of the day was cleaning all the windows in the zoo which she found very fun! Although it's not the first activity you would expect to do, my human loved seeing- once the windows had been washed enough to be able to see through them- all the animals waking up.
Next up on my human's schedule was to clean out the guinea pigs' enclosure. This was great fun as the guineas had to stay in there with her whilst she cleaned them out so they were squeaking like mad!
For the rest of the day, my human continued to help with the maintenance of the park, such as weeding and sweeping, and also fed some of the animals, including two huge pigs who lifted up their paws for an apple!
Overall, the highlight of my human's day was showering two emus named Ant and Dec! At first, she found them quite intimidating (those eyes...!) but, as soon as she pointed the hose at their backs, they became pretty cute! Having said that, I wouldn't want to stand too near... They didn't seem to be the cuddliest of creatures that's for sure. Although at first they didn't seem keen on the idea of having a shower to cool them down even though it was extremely hot, they eventually became more relaxed and both lay down in the puddle that had formed. Ant and Dec both tried to roll around in it- it was adorable!
Thank you so much Battersea Park Children's Zoo for having my human for the day- she loved it! To all of you who haven't visited the zoo, I highly recommend taking your kids along for the day as it is such a great place to go to. For more information, visit http://www.batterseaparkzoo.co.uk.
Talk soon, Jasper x