
This is a picture of me in the snow!

Monday, 22 October 2012


Hi there,
I thought that I'd just let you all know that I've got a space in the Young Kennel Club grooming qualifier at Discover Dogs 2012! I can't wait to get my haircut... The human hasn't been able to clip it for ages as I need it nice and long for a more effective trim in the competition. Even more people are competing this year than 2011 so we're going to have our work cut out if we are to succeed. Don't worry everyone though- we are not expecting to qualify for the biggest dog show in the world, Crufts. The human has now been grooming me for a year so she has slightly improved but, erm, let's just say it probably won't be good enough to win. But we're not worried- I just want to be in Earls Court myself to experience what every dog-obsessed human gets to. On the 10th November, I am going to be in the YKC ring with my human at 10am so, if you're around, come along! I'm so excited... Only 19 days to go!
If you want more information on Discover Dogs 2012, scroll down the page to my post about it and visit To buy tickets, click here. Remember, under 12s get free entry!
Talk soon, Jasper x

Monday, 15 October 2012

Discover Dogs 2012!

Hi there!
I'd just thought I'd remind you all that the biggest dog show in London is coming- Discover Dogs! Taking place on the 10-11th November at Earls Court 1, it is expecting to welcome over 26,000 visitors and 3,000 dogs. You may remember my DD posts from last year when I competed in two Crufts qualifiers, well, I'm planning on competing in another this year. Although my space hasn't been confirmed yet, I will probably find out this week whether I've got lucky and have a slot in the grooming qualifier at 10am in the Young Kennel Club ring on the Saturday! I'm very excited and, as the humans didn't get me much for my Birthday, I should be getting lots of toys from the fantastic stalls that will be there- there's loads!

Over 200 different breeds of dogs will be waiting for you to discover in only 26 days and, with under 12s getting FREE entry, bring all the family for a dog-full weekend! The show will be open from 10am-5pm each day and over the two days there promises to be: the ultimate dog sport, agility; fantastic heelwork to music routines; fast-paced flyball and loads of amazing displays by teams such as the incredible Southern Golden Retriever Display Team! Discover Dogs never fails to be one of the cutest, most entertaining shows so get your tickets here. For more information on this epic weekend, visit
Talk soon, Jasper x

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Photoshoot in the park!

Hi there!
As the deer become more protective of their young, I thought I'd upload the photos of my most recent photo shoot in the park as now all doggies are not allowed off lead- boo! I guess it's for the best though as I wouldn't want a deer chasing me across the massive park! Here are some of them:
Here comes the sun...

Smiling as the sun goes down...

Posing on the bench...

Splash bomb!

One... More... Jump...

Jumping through the heather...

These were all taken by my human as I had to model, of course... The photos just show what crazy faces I pull when focussing! I hope you like them and will upload more photos after my next shoot. Talk soon, Jasper x

Thursday, 11 October 2012

My 7th Birthday!

Hi there,
on the 8th (Monday), I turned 7 years old! Man, I feel ooold: 49 years makes me the oldest member of my household... But I'm not worrying; as long as I'm my usual self (which the humans say is mad and hyper!) then I'm alright! The humans have not yet given me any presents so although I'm not too happy with them, they have said they'll be with me at the weekend and they DID treat me to a meaty meal for dinner- mmm...
And, unlike today, it didn't rain- woop woop!
Talk soon, Jasper x