Hey everyone,
so it's time for my blog about Discover Dogs: Day 2. If you didn't know already, Discover Dogs is a massive dog show in Earls Court One, London, organised by The Kennel Club. It was on the 12th and 13th November 2011, and has been running for 15 years. Over the two days, Discover Dogs welcomed over 27,500 people from all over the world into its doors! On the Saturday, I competed in a Grooming Competition in the Young Kennel Club arena. On day 2, I was in a Handling Competition in the same ring.
I do not have much experience in Handling, but when my owner found out that there was a qualifier at Discover Dogs, she sent in the entry form and got us a place. As you may know, Handling is where the human is judge on how "invisible" they can become whilst following instructions. I have to be on a thin lead that show dogs wear. I'm not a show dog, and I pull on the lead! How NOT to become a show dog! Just when I was due to enter the arena, I decided that I would prefer to have a quick sniff around, so I charged off, with my owner flying along behind! Once I'd done what I had to do, we ran back, just in time to begin the competition! Then, we were told to trot along into the arena and stand me in a "show" position. The judge had a quick glance and then we were instructed to have a quick trot around the stage. Once we'd been round, I was back into "show" position. In the ring I was number 13 out of 17, which meant I had to wait 12 doggies before I got my time to shine! Man, was that hard. There were lots of little dogs in the same competition, so when they strut their stuff, I kept yanking out at them! Some said hello, some just carried on trotting!
After waiting for 11 doggies, I decided to have a quick sniff around while the 12th dog was being judged. I think I chose the wrong time to do this! I looked up and WOOPS, there was the judge, waiting for me and my owner! So over we went. My owner got me to stand in my "show" position and was asked to show my teeth. I liked this so I rolled over while the judge examined! I then realised this wasn't the time, so up I got. We were told to do a triangle shape and then to run up and down the ring, back to the judge. The judge moves as you trot round, so my owner tried to avoid blocking her view of me. After, we were told to run back to the end of the line. PHEW! The tension was over! We then got back into position and waited for the last few to strut their stuff. It was then time for the judge to pick her top 5. Up and down the queue she went, giving us all a good look. Then she pointed at her top 5 and the rest left the ring. We didn't get into the top 5, but it isn't all about the winning; it's the taking part that counts!
Well done to all the winners (doggies and humans)! Sunday was another great day, and I really do reccommend attending Discover Dogs 2012, as it is such a brilliant day out! I will upload pictures of the day very soon, so keep checking! Talk soon, Jasper x