
This is a picture of me in the snow!

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Jasper's First Blog!

Hi everyone,
Welcome to my blog!
I thought as this is my first blog, I'd introduce myself to you!

My name is Jasper and I am an English Springer Spaniel. I am 5 years old but everyone mistakes me as being a puppy! I love being cuddled and especially enjoy having my tummy rubbed! In my free time, I love doing my agility classes which I am doing very well in. I love going over jumps and through tunnels but I especially love going on the see-saw! At the moment I am practising going through the weaves at the park and after I've weaved, my owner throws me a  ball which I love to chew!

My favourite toy is my squeaker that I got for halloween! I also like playing with ropey and my squeaky tennis ball bone that sadly doesn't squeak anymore because I chewed a big hole in it!
According to my owner I am very clever because I can sit, wait, go, do paw, balance on my back legs and even stand up! Hopefully, my tricks will help me do Heelwork-to-Music which I am going to be starting soon. I am very excited and I am practising at home at the moment-I am doing very well!

Thank you for reading my blog, keep checking back for more news from me!
Bye, from Jasper x